Tag Archives: Portfolio

Persuasive Essay

Should we end ‘Troubles’ prosecutions?


Mr. Adam

Another Persuasive Topic Idea

Might be slightly mundane but I’m sure the right person could make this interesting:
‘We should ban the use of hands free kits for mobiles’ – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24982173

Mr. Adam

Persuasive Essay Idea


Mr. Adam

ANOTHER Persuasive Essay Topic

Should the emergency services be allowed to strike?


Mr. Adam

Should we teach young children to be ‘porn’ smart?


Mr. Adam

Persuasive Essay

Another possible persuasive essay topic:


Mr. Adam

Summer Homework


After summer please submit a typed and printed version of your creative piece of writing. Remember to proof read it and stick within the word limit -1300 words maximum.

Over summer choose and research a topic for your discursive/persuasive piece of writing. See this post for some advice. Make sure you work through the steps and reply to the post in the comments section with your chosen topic.

Mr Adam