Use with caution


I haven’t updated this blog for years but when i made it private i kept getting emails asking for access, so i thought I’d make it public again but with the warning that I’ve not updated this in ages so things that are on here may not be entirely in line with new guidelines or with the approach i take to teaching exam responses these days – so please use with caution as i really don’t have time to update the site.

Things off the top of my head that i think i approach differently are for example i advise at higher i recommend using 4 quotations and analysing each for a 4 mark analysis question.

And with ten marker i suggest using a quotation plus analysis for each mark.

So basically use the site with caution. If you are unsure check with your teacher or you can comment and, time allowing, i might reply.

Thanks and good luck with your studies,

Mr. Adam

Crit Essay


Please find below the example we discussed today:

Posters and powerpoints to follow.

Mr. Adam

Good luck


Good luck for your results tomorrow. I’m sure your hard work will pay off. 

Mr. Adam


A reminder that P2 – P5, I am available to deliver help with the course. There are already pupils from other classes in and benefitting from some last minute revision. If you have forgotten about it, it is not too late to head in now.

Mr. Adam

Good Luck


Good luck to all my current Higher pupils at Hamilton and to all my former pupils at Carluke.

Just do your very best.

Any last minute questions, please comment below.

Mr. Adam

Understanding Standards


Please have a look at this example of a Scottish Text response for Duffy’s ‘War Photographer’ (it is the only poetry example the SQA have made available) – although this is not the poem we have studied you can see the way they have structured their answer.

Of particular importance, is the 10-marker and the way they have picked up their initial 2 marks for identifying commonality. Question – 41. Referring closely to this poem and to at least one other poem by Duffy, discuss how she explores the link between the past and the present. (10) – look at the way they have made the link between ‘Havisham’ and ‘War Photographer’ in terms of the effects of traumatic experiences from the past.

Here is what the candidate wrote – UndStnds – War Photog – N6 – Response
Here is what the SQA said – UndStnds – War Photog – N6 – Comments

Any questions then please let me know.

Mr. Adam

Scottish Text Comparison Grid


Please complete at home as we work through the Scottish Texts.


Any questions then let me know.

Mr. Adam

Example Catcher Paragraph


Please find below:


Obviously there are different ways to approach this and under exam conditions not every paragraph will be this sort of length, but this is just an example.

Mr. Adam

Homework – Catcher Questions and Persuasive Essay


Persuasive 1st Draft is due on the 31st of October. Make sure:
– it is around but no more than 1300 words
– it is emailed to me
– you have included a list of all the sources you have consulted; the full details, so, rather than
– you have proof read it carefully; do not rely on the spellcheck software
– it would be great if you could title the email and file appropriately e.g. Jack Brown – Persuasive 1st Draft

Please complete the following questions for tomorrow – 25th of October:
Chapter 18
This Chapter begins with Holden making some phone calls. How does this develop your understanding of Holden’s state of mind?
What do we learn about Jane from the opening of this chapter?
Why do you think Holden is so drawn to Jane?
Following this, there is a small section exploring what he thinks about Al Pike and about what girls think about guys – he concludes that “The trouble with girls is, if they like a boy, no matter how big a bastard he is, they’ll say he has an inferiority complex, and if they don’t like him, no matter how nice a guy he is, or how big an inferiority complex he has, they’ll say he’s conceited.” What do you make of his conclusions?
Chapter 19
Why do you think at this point Holden has reached out to Carl Luce?
What conclusions can you draw from their encounter?
Chapter 20
In the bar, Holden again returns to imagining he has been shot in the stomach. What is the symbolic significance of this?
When he accidentally smashes the record what do you the author is trying to say about Holden and the decision he has made to get so drunk?

Good luck,
Mr. Adam

Critical Essay


For your upcoming Critical Essay just use one of the questions from the PEER exercise:

Homework – Critical Essay Paragraph

I’m going to delay the due date to allow you to finish the novel. It is now due on the 2nd of November. Printed copy please, double line spaced, no more than 1200 words and make sure you follow the critical essay bible.

Any questions then let me know sooner rather than later.

Mr. Adam